Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Is anyone out there just as angry as I am about the government trying to control our 'private' lives? What happened to our freedoms, our rights, our privacy?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I am so fed up with our government... who gave them the right to invade every little bit of our life? I don't think it is right that they can tell us what we can or can't do! As for Obama...don't get me started there, I don't see him doing anything but putting our country farther into debt! What gives him that right? Has anyone actually seen his real birth certificate? Is he truely a natural born US citizen or was he born in Kenya (like his Kenyan grandmother said)? I have so much more to say, but can't do it right now!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


What a difference a day makes...well it does, but I am getting so frustrated with these companies that say you can make money from home.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

finding time

I didn't think it would be this difficult to find time to write a few lines on here, but with a 4 month old I do have a hard time doing so. As of June 24, Tristan is weighing in at a healthy 13lbs and his length is 23 1/2 inches.

Friday, June 20, 2008

didn't call

As mentioned in yesterdays post, I was supposed to get a call from the "business" representative to give me some strategy ideas. Well, guess what they never called. I stayed home waiting for the phone call and it never came. I guess they figure that their time is more important than mine. I think I am going to call and ask for my money back, since other than one phone call I haven't heard anything from them. I feel like their ad was very misleading...another SCAM that I fell prey too.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Strategy call

I am supposed to be receiving a strategy call this afternoon to see if they can give me any suggestions as to how to make this latest "business" work. I guess I will just have to see what he has to tell me and go from there.

Friday, June 13, 2008


I am so tired of all the hype and false statements made in ads on how to make money from home. Basically, you send them money, for what? That is how they make money from home, wouldn't that be great. Most of the ones I have checked into are scams and I can't afford it anymore. I'm fed-up with it, but I know there is a way to make money online. I just haven't found it yet!